#Hashtag Trend Alert! What will your custom wedding hashtag be? What, you haven’t created one yet? Get with the trend and create that special hashtag so you can see all the photos your guests post. You’ll also be able to experience your special day from their eyes.
As soon as that unique #hashtag is created ( this of course after you checked no one else has used it in the past) you will want to announce to all your guests as early and as cleverly as possible. If you do it early enough you can even see the guests as they get ready for your special day. Below are a few pictures where the bride and groom included the #hashtag one the save the date, invitation, reception and even in the drink stirrers.
Once you include it in the save the date, you should definitely add it to the invitation. The more the guests see the #hashtag the better as they will remember it. You will also want to repeat the #Hashtag for them during the wedding, some are displayed on chalk boards by a sign in table, others will include it on the guest tables and some will even add it to drink stirrers so that it is always visible for guest to use without having to go back to one certain area.
#Hashtags are a lot of fun and a great way for you to relive the special day. They are also very easy to create and fun to incorporate. Give it a try at your next event, it doesn’t have to be at a wedding.
Have a great weekend!