You know you want lasting wedding photos that you’ll love sharing with your grandchildren, but sometimes the idea of posing like a supermodel all day long can be a little overwhelming. Here are some professional tips from Trias Weddings to help you create the best wedding pictures possible.
1. Include movement. Let the camera catch you walking, hugging, dancing and kissing for an overall effect that can be magical. The transitional moments- when your maid of honor hands you your bouquet, when you brush the hair out of your groom’s face, when your flower girl twirls you around the dance floor- are the ones that capture the essence of your big day.
2. Include variety. Not every group photo has to be perfectly arranged. A shot of the wedding party chatting casually, looking in different directions or standing on varying levels (think steps) will have a dramatic yet relaxed effect in a picture.
3. Include angles. Be sure to angle yourself toward the camera- never take a shot straight ahead. Turn your body to the side slightly, tilt your head to show off your best side, hold your bouquet at a less posed position (try hip level to relax your shoulders and arms).
4. Include props. While the bridesmaids get to pose with their bouquets, the groomsmen may have a difficult time figuring out what to do with their hands. Let the groom and his men take some photos clinking glasses in a toast or tossing a football to catch them off guard and looking more natural.
5. Include help. When smiling for the camera begins to feel artificial, have a relative or friend stand off to the side of the camera and talk with you while the photographer shoots. Your face will naturally relax and photos of you looking elsewhere will showcase your beauty on your wedding day.
With these important tips and a little practice ahead of time, your wedding photos will be fun to shoot and even better to look at for years to come. Talk to the design experts at Trias Weddings for more great wedding photo ideas.